GOT IT!! 免費升級至50GB,我拿到了,你呢?

最近由於SOPA法案的影響,許多免空如:mega upload、xun6、file sonic...等,已遭FBI等相關機構強制關站,但也引來<匿名者>,世界級駭客組織的"回報",總之,在目前風聲鶴唳、草木皆兵的處境下,Box.net不僅能繼續生存,甚至提供使用者免費升級容量,不知是否藉此吸引那些遭關閉免空之用戶,提升知名度及市場,壯大聲勢,讓FBI如果想關掉他的話,將面臨眾多用戶的撻伐,並...再次被<匿名者>掛站?!


Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

Android Users Get 50GB FREE. Get Your #Box50GB and Enter the Box Mobile Giveaway

By , Social Media Manager
We already announced an all-new version of Android today with more features and European language support, but still have more great stuff to tell you about. First: We’re offering 50GB to to all Android users. Second: We’re launching the Box Mobile Giveaway – a contest that  that gives you and your business chance to win 20 Samsung Galaxy Tabs and a year of Box Enterprise. Read on to get all the important details.
Free Space in the Cloud for Android Users
One of our big goals is to make it easy for users to access and manage their content from anywhere, without worrying about storage limitations. That’s why we’re making your Android-powered device even more powerful by giving you 50GB in the cloud. Yup, you heard us right: Now any Box personal user who downloads Box for Android will get 50GB free for life.  
This promotion ends on Friday, March 23, 2012 at 11:59pm PST, so grab your free 50GB on Box by following these steps:
1. Visit the Android Marketplace and download Box for Android
2. Log into your account or register for a new one directly from the app
3. Start sharing and collaborating in the cloud
4. (optional but recommended) Tell the world how you’ll use your 50GB with the hashtag #Box50GB
In addition to getting a storage bump, your file upload limit will jump, too;  you’ll be able to upload files up to 100MB  – like photos, presentations and documents – in your Box account for easy, quick access from anywhere. And remember, you can access your 50GB from any device – whether it’s a laptop, desktop, phone or tablet. We think you’ll like it.
Please note: To activate the new version of Box for Android, you’ll need to grant permission for the app to access your contacts – we only use this data to quickly retrieve email addresses for the invite collaborator feature, and don’t store any contact information on Box’s servers. 


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